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Granite countertops are beautiful and durable, but sometimes the inevitable happens. This is especially true if you have a cast iron sink, which can leave rust marks on your countertops.

Rust on granite can also develop naturally over time. People often ask me how to remove rust from granite countertops.

Although the stains can be removed with a little elbow grease, sometimes they’re not removed completely, and the rust stains remain.

As a result, many homeowners are looking to remove the stains completely and restore the original beauty of their granite countertops.

But having said, depending on the surface stain, it may get difficult to scrub the rust stain off yourself; a professional should be able to solve the problem in that case.

Why Rust Stains Are So Harmful To Your Granite?

To get straight to the point, untreated rust stains can worsen over time, damaging your precious stone to a significant extent. Granite is porous and made of natural minerals that can oxidize and cause rust.

Also, depending on the type of surface, rust buildup can occur from time to time if your natural stone is not properly sealed.

This article will guide you through all that you need to know to keep your stone healthy and vibrant.

Removing Rust Stains From Granite

Granite, by far, is one of the most luxuriant stones, but like any other natural stone, it is not impeccable.

The formation of granite is such that rust can naturally occur due to the minerals present and oxidation over time gives way to rust that forms in spots or lines throughout the stone.

In fact, many agree that it brings a character to this natural stone, making it look unique.

For many homeowners, rust on granite that crops up naturally may not be that bothersome, but the one that is on the surface like a blot or significant stains that catch one’s attention is, of course, an eyesore.

With my 15 years of experience, I can assure you that rust on the surface is very manageable. Natural rusting of the stone or the one that appeared due to an accident is treatable.

Though, you may require professional help if the damage is quite much.

Naturally occurring rust is still a very highly unlikely event, but accidents in which rust from another object may happen.

Care of your surface, when it comes to natural stones, is in keeping water from pooling on it and ensuring it is properly sealed.

Regular cleaning of granite countertops, making sure they are dry, not leaving that iron stand for too long on the shelf, etc. all these precautions will not let the rust form in the first place.

However, to err is human. To see a rust stain on granite that once was flawlessly adorning your house can make a homeowner feel bad about it.

rust stain granite

Remove Rust The Safe & Easy Way

Opt for commercial Granite cleaner & rust remover like the Lustro Italiano Poultice Powder. Granite is porous, which is why poultice works best to suck in the rust, leaving you a clean surface.

You can also make poultice at home to remove stains on granite. How successful it will turn out to be will depend on the intensity of the granite rust stains.

If the rust is superficial and young, it will be easy to scrub it off using home remedies. You can use baking soda and water to make a thick paste and apply it to the rusted area, leaving it for at least 24 hours.

Use a special stone-safe granite cleaning pad, or a nylon brush would do as well. Making circular motions, clean the area.

If there is no change in the stain, try spraying hydrogen peroxide and leave it for a day. Scrub it off, and if the rust stain is still there, you need to call a professional.

Pro-tip: After you remove the stain, seal it with a good quality granite sealant. It will settle in the pores beautifully, protecting the surface and make it resistant to rust.

Don’ts of Removing Rust Stains From Granite

You might have heard of home remedies for treating granite, such as using baking soda or vinegar. People often get intimidated to use lemon or such acids, thinking that it might help them remove the stubborn stain.

Before experimenting on natural-stone surfaces, know that granite can damage to quite an extent if you use acidic solutions such as vinegar or lemon juice.

Please save yourself from the horror of using steel wool or any other metallic pads to scrub the surface rust. It will do nothing but worsen the beautiful stone.

Be gentle on granite and opt for good quality granite care products such as the LTP rust stain remover or TeRust rust remover powder.

Rust Stain Prevention On Your Granite Countertops

Whether you have granite outdoors or indoors of your house, the best prevention is to use a good quality granite sealant. It saves the stone from rust and expands its lifespan.

People who choose to apply granite sealant regularly, 3 to 4 times a year minimum, see their stones as good as new. There is rarely any discoloration and seldom a problem of rust.

The porosity of granite is something we need to take care of and there is no better way than to seal it.

Another way to prevent rust on your granite countertops is by keeping the surface dry as much as possible and making sure that there are no leaks near the faucets.

Keep a cloth under your rack when drying your dishes, or best still, use a wooden rack.

Final Thoughts

A combination of tips and tricks can work for removing that stubborn rust stain from your granite kitchen countertops but seeking professional help always comes in handy.

You can contact Boston’s countertop experts at 978-447-1001 if nothing works. Save your countertop before you damage it any further.

If you are unsure what to do, getting professional help will be the safe option.

Related Questions

Does CLR damage granite?

Yes! Though CLR works wonders for cleaning hard water stains, calcium and limescale buildup, it is not recommended using over natural stones such as granite because of its acidic content. CLR is too strong for use on granite.

Can stained granite be repaired?

Sure, it can. Depended on the etching of your stone, if it’s light, using a good quality rust remover will help, but it’s too dark, you might require a professional to take care of it.

Most of the time, you will have a great result.